Asset Recovery
Lawyer of the Year
New Zealand
Lawyer of the Year
New Zealand
Contact Us
Level 31, Vero Centre,
48 Shortland St, Auckland 1140
- p 09 925 3840
- f 09 925 3849
- Post: 49 Fort Street, Auckland 1140
Defects in buildings include all construction related defects. The law in New Zealand protects owners of defective buildings and provides remedies against those responsible.
Defects may be obvious (patent) or latent, and are found in older buildings, in renovations or even in a new build. They often include issues affecting weathertightness, structure, or fire protection and arise from inadequate design or poor workmanship.
There is under the Building Act 1993 and 2004 a strict 10-year limitation for bringing claims for defective building work. We have obtained compensation for hundreds of homeowners and building owners. The demise the Weathertight Homes Tribunal has not extinguished these claims.
We have extensive experience in providing advice in respective of defective building work and in bringing and resolving claims in the Weathertight Homes Tribunal and the Courts. Although the Tribunal is now defunct, claims relating to weathertightness and other defects can still be made through the Courts.
Claims may be made by individual owners of residential or commerical units, or as part of a multi-unit claim relating to the entire building. It is most often sensible and more economic for owners in a mult-unit complex to bring a single claim where the facts and circumstances permit.